Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Clay Stop Motion Animation

This film was made using clay for the characters and using Dragonframe, then editing it Affect Effects and Movie Maker. Even through the outcome of the film was great, the entire process was really frustrating. Getting the characters in the correct positions and kept having technical difficulties. However, it was a fun learning experience and pleased how it turned out.

No from Ahnaf Shahriar Ibn Siddiqui on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

For this stop motion assignment, we used a program, for stop motion, called Dragonframe with a D-SLR camera. We had to show the physics of a ball bouncing, so instead of doing the generic bouncing ball, we did Pong, a classic video game, but the hardcore version. It was a fun little assignment; Dragonframe made it enjoyable and easy, without it I probably would have not have liked stop motion that much.

Pong Stop Motion Group Project from Shah Akandh on Vimeo.